Have been on my mind lately.
I say this just in case some kind soul would like to pray for me.. haha. =X
.. and text to fill up this space
Have been on my mind lately.
It feels so right, to be here with you.
Is that how the cliche goes?
I'm finding myself falling asleep next to my Economics book, and catch myself beginning to drool. This is another way of saying that within the first week of school I'm already tired and longing for another break. I think I'm like a battery that needs to be alone in order to be recharged to go out into the world again. As stupid as that sounds.
a funny thing.
Something's different, but I don't think it's anything in my outward environment, or even in my inward disposition. But I can feel something changing, and I think.. well. There's hope, there.
I'm supposed to be packing but I found my diary from fifth grade and this made me laugh.
Wake up and wish that I wasn't awake. It is easier to sleep, as whatever thoughts are buried and transformed into incoherent dreams. I can't believe I've slept this long. I forgot that there is a meeting today, and I'm currently in pajama-status clothes and frankly not ready.
i kind of don't want to care about what other people say or think anymore.
Bitter. Why read when it only makes me annoyed? Currently angry. Will probably make up later when I go to fold laundry. Bah.
46. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
I think I have like, ADD or something.
says my mom, as I whine to her about how imperfect my cutting skills are and how the pockets aren't going to look the same and how I don't know how to measure things.
I mentioned to Mom that I want to get a new laptop. Her response went something like, "You keep mentioning that. Isn't a laptop purchase long overdue?" (Okay, not really, but that was my interpretation.)
So I ask my brother if porcelain is okay in the microwave. He says of course, says something about lava, and I proceed to stick Mom's porcelain plates into the microwave with my breakfast at 12pm. Apparently these plates must not be porcelain or that platinum lining is some cause for concern because they got extremely hot when I attempted to take the plate out of the microwave 20 seconds later. I now have a nice burn on my thumb and know not to trust my brother when it comes to microwaving. Proceed to tell the brother that if I hear his dorm room has burned down, I'll know why.
about other people's drama makes me remember .... the reason why I always avoided places like these and people like you
It's hard at home. Nothing is ever as cracked up as I make it out to be in my delirious because I am still sick, mind. D: Some things I find in this place that I don't find in others:
So I'm doing blogger duty and posting on New Year's Day. Half an hour has passed since I heard fireworks going off. It is 37 degrees outside.