The Body..
Praise the Lord.. He has an expression here in Berkeley.
Abiding means being in the vine, being in the vine means I'm connected to all the other branches. Which means twos and threes!
The college training was amazing. Understatement.
.. and text to fill up this space
Praise the Lord.. He has an expression here in Berkeley.
I think the worst part about cleaning is all the bugs you find, dead or alive.
"I think about what I'm going to eat"
I think I have a bad addiction to Papyrus.
So I informed my parents of my stupid incident (both of them) lol.. and my parents said what I half expected (or hoped) they would say..
for being an economics major, i have done a lot of stupid things with regards to money. Opportunity cost, duh! unfortunately, i think of it after the fact, and unfortunately in real life, you can't just take out your eraser and rewrite the answer.
I need wisdom. He is wisdom.