.. and text to fill up this space

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Body..

Praise the Lord.. He has an expression here in Berkeley.
Abiding means being in the vine, being in the vine means I'm connected to all the other branches. Which means twos and threes!

The college training was amazing. Understatement.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


I think the worst part about cleaning is all the bugs you find, dead or alive.

I want to go out and play. HMMMMMM.

What do you think about when you wake up in the morning?

"I think about what I'm going to eat"

It's funny when people are different from you and you can't understand it. And then sometimes, it's scary. I have a huge fear of making mistakes.

Apparently I scare AhnAhn with all my introverted thinking-ness.

I wake up in the morning and think about things that will never happen, and if they did, not in the near future at all. I think about situations that will never occur because they're past the due date for possible conception.

I think I need exercise.

To sum it up.. in a state of.. I'm not sure. I'm not really sure what so many really important things mean or entail. Which bothers me. Shouldn't I know?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

"our song stargazing summertime happily ever after ocean breezes"

I think I have a bad addiction to Papyrus.
There are two bags sitting on my desk right now, both with things that I didn't buy for myself, both somewhat overdue gifts. Okay, maybe only one of them is.

I'm sitting here writing because I can't seem to figure out how to open the window in my room that got installed earlier this year, when one of the glass panes fell out of its place into the road and shattered into a zillion (okay, maybe not) pieces and we logically decided that it was time for new windows for the 'window room'. It's times like these when I sit and stare at the window, as if sitting and staring is going to make it open. As if I'm actually thinking. But I'm not, I'm really just staring. This also happens when I'm trying to figure out what to do with a page I need to clean up, and I can't figure it out, so I sit and I stare. This happens until I realize that I'm being unproductive (usually that doesn't take long) and then I resume some mindless activity before I begin thinking again.

I like how cheesy the comic on the back of my goldfish package is..

I think I've ran out of things to say these days.

"Abide in Me, and I in You, for the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in Me."

I "know" that abide means to stay, but I really don't know how to abide (this is where people say, 'you just abide') because clearly, no fruit.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Sometimes erasers work.. the first time at least.

So I informed my parents of my stupid incident (both of them) lol.. and my parents said what I half expected (or hoped) they would say..

It's a learning experience. I could hear my dad in the background saying the same thing... They're so much more gracious to me than I am to myself.. maybe because they know I'm a perfectionist and cry when i break a metronome (okay i was little and my piano metronome was precious.. kind of.) I <3 my parents. But then they also told me to try again and call them and see if they would waive it..

And I was like, no way, why would they want to do that, then they don't benefit out of this transaction at all.. I don't want to call them.. because it's my fault I didn't read all the fine print right..
And Mom is like, just try, you never know, they might want to save their reputation..

So I called, and he was kind of like,
what do you want, when i was like..
well i canceled my account yesterday...

then i attempted to explain myself, got confused and confused him along the way because I didn't feel like I could put all my eggs in one basket so I kind of mentioned "or not canceling.. if that's possible" .. so after he put me on a really long hold he was like, so you want to keep it right and i was like .. actually i wanted the 50 thing to be waived cause.. you know.. didn't read it until afterwards.. they didn't mention it to me when i cancelled.. etc.. and to my surprise he was like, okay i can write a note for them not to do that.

yay thank You Lord :)

this thing they call money

for being an economics major, i have done a lot of stupid things with regards to money. Opportunity cost, duh! unfortunately, i think of it after the fact, and unfortunately in real life, you can't just take out your eraser and rewrite the answer.



i need to wake up and cook zucchini.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Quite frankly.

I need wisdom. He is wisdom.

That is.. I really need the fellowship of the other members right now. At the same time, I'm like..

*insert a bunch of random conversation*
"Is that what you called me to tell me?"
"no... i just.."
*insert some more random conversation*


it's late, sleep is absolutely precious these days. i never get enough of it.
i had the yummiest cheesecake at work today..
i'm seriously gaining weight and not getting any exercise. i don't know how people can work for the rest of their lives. crazy!!!!!

i'm starting to feel my brain rot away like .. like.. something that rots away.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"When one member of the Body suffers, the rest of us suffer"

Lord grant us all this view.