.. and text to fill up this space

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Quite frankly.

I need wisdom. He is wisdom.

That is.. I really need the fellowship of the other members right now. At the same time, I'm like..

*insert a bunch of random conversation*
"Is that what you called me to tell me?"
"no... i just.."
*insert some more random conversation*


it's late, sleep is absolutely precious these days. i never get enough of it.
i had the yummiest cheesecake at work today..
i'm seriously gaining weight and not getting any exercise. i don't know how people can work for the rest of their lives. crazy!!!!!

i'm starting to feel my brain rot away like .. like.. something that rots away.


Blogger emmortality said...

i don't know how people can work for the rest of their lives either. suppose that's why you have to find a job you like :D

yummy cheesecake is better than being skinny! heheh. and esther putting on weight = sizzle! :P we should go running together this summer! ive been exercising lots but probly not losing weight, i eat a lot too. whatevs

btw, i love your Anne of Green Gables quote. her series is one of my favorite series of books! oh, stuck in childhood...

July 3, 2008 at 12:05 PM


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