.. and text to fill up this space

Friday, July 4, 2008

Sometimes erasers work.. the first time at least.

So I informed my parents of my stupid incident (both of them) lol.. and my parents said what I half expected (or hoped) they would say..

It's a learning experience. I could hear my dad in the background saying the same thing... They're so much more gracious to me than I am to myself.. maybe because they know I'm a perfectionist and cry when i break a metronome (okay i was little and my piano metronome was precious.. kind of.) I <3 my parents. But then they also told me to try again and call them and see if they would waive it..

And I was like, no way, why would they want to do that, then they don't benefit out of this transaction at all.. I don't want to call them.. because it's my fault I didn't read all the fine print right..
And Mom is like, just try, you never know, they might want to save their reputation..

So I called, and he was kind of like,
what do you want, when i was like..
well i canceled my account yesterday...

then i attempted to explain myself, got confused and confused him along the way because I didn't feel like I could put all my eggs in one basket so I kind of mentioned "or not canceling.. if that's possible" .. so after he put me on a really long hold he was like, so you want to keep it right and i was like .. actually i wanted the 50 thing to be waived cause.. you know.. didn't read it until afterwards.. they didn't mention it to me when i cancelled.. etc.. and to my surprise he was like, okay i can write a note for them not to do that.

yay thank You Lord :)


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