"How many INFPs does it take to change a light bulb?
A: I think it only takes one, but the question is how long will the task be put off? After all, do I really *need* that light bulb? Think of all the possibilities in working around the need for that light bulb! And then, when the impossibility of the possibilities is too obvious to pretend not to see, the bulb gets changed.
A: ...come to think of it, I need to change a light bulb ...the one on my front porch, so its a pretty important one ...its been that way for, oh, a while now ...
A: How many INFP's does it take to change a light bulb? Apparently, this whole listfull, to listen to me ramble about my need to change my light bulb and give me encouragment and support to reassure me that eventually I'll "find my inner light bulb" and it will all be OK!
A: The light bulb doesn't need to change! Just because it's different from other light bulbs, doesn't mean that it isn't just as good... besides it may hurt its feelings...
A: Why change it, it might just be exploring its shadow side.
A: Some possible answers:
1. Never get around to changing it at all, because hey, next time you're in a bad mood and walk under it, it will go out again anyway.
2. The light bulb isn't really burnt out; its just you.
3. How many does it take? I'll tell you later when I feel sure I've got the right answer.
4. I couldn't think of a fourth good answer, but figured there should be at least four options
A: What light bulb?"