.. and text to fill up this space

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Do you know your musical B's?

Beethoven, Bach,
don't forget Brahms please!

Summer trip. So long. Got back yesterday.

Word got around that I:
1) stuffed my face at Hot Pot City (not altogether true. I think I just eat slow.)
2) whined about being tired while kayaking, thus letting Ling do most of the work (true.)

Spent a lot of time with the kids. As a result, am starting to sound a little like Kariss..

Anyway, the trip. Ups, downs, all arounds. The short version is this. Blending with the believers up and down the coast was definitely refreshing. It seemed like enjoying the Lord had more newness to it.
Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, we're here within the church, the ark

Tomorrow is a new day and work begins.


Blogger emmortality said...

I can see #1 happening =D actually, now that I think about it, i can see #2 happening as well! oh, silly characteristic esther =)

(I stuffed my face at a hotpot place today too... =()

June 11, 2008 at 9:03 AM


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