.. and text to fill up this space

Saturday, May 17, 2008


I forgot what they say about start-ups in Econ. That is, your U(Ex) might be the same as another place that is more established, but your E(U) isn't.. Given that you get more utility from a sure thing. I hope I got that right.

I'm done with finals, cool. Onto the next thing.
That is.. tracking the Amtrak, buy presents (fun, but not when it's this late!!), and pack for home tomorrow.

Home, sweet home. I found out today that I might be related to Phoebe by marriage. O_O Will check on that when I go home.

Even though finals are over there still is a lot to do. Guess I shouldn't keep waiting for things to calm down.


Blogger ster said...

amtrak! fun stuff.

May 18, 2008 at 7:00 AM


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