.. and text to fill up this space

Friday, May 16, 2008

Droopy Carnations

Why is it that we give people flowers for graduation?

Done with Econ =D .. the final was quite the ordeal. Imagine too many people stuffed into one room, not enough seats (they asked us to sit every other seat, who were they kidding? We all just grabbed the empty chair we could find) to the point where people are piling into the back of the room standing around, students are moving in tables, and then after that, the rest have to go find another room. On top of that, we have a high of 95, the door is open, the fans are loudly but not quite effectively blowing, and I'm sweating already. I was afraid I might get sick, since I was basically sitting in my sweat and all, as was everyone else around me. But what can you do, you're taking a final. So you keep at it for three hours, make sure you get all the which of these are *NOT* true, while the guy next to you is falling asleep probably because he's sleep-deprived, but more so because it's so hot, and you get out of there feeling sticky but happy that you finished and now can get air again. I think the reason why I don't feel hot right now is because of yesterday. Or maybe it's cause I'm from Fresno. HM.

So yeah, depending on the curve for that one. One more, and then it's home. Taking the Amtrak for the first time! Whoo adventures. Today Joan and I made biscotti (I hate saying ___ and I, it sounds so awkward even if it IS grammatically correct.. and then people correct me and it's like.. ahhhh, fine.) for the first time.

Verdict. Do more things that are out of my comfort zone, and end up with messes. I have no idea what sifting is, and I don't like public transit. All the silly things that happen end up to be amusing stories for later on, though.

I have to make friends with the BART for the next couple of months. And they DON'T have montly passes! That's almost 400 dollars of BART tickets..

I need to figure out why this is 403 forbidden even after I cleared out the mailbox. SPAM sucks. I could tie this to Econ right now, but I don't remember how.

Wedding presents.. hmm.............

... Too much going on = Stomach aches


Blogger emmortality said...

Congrats on the internship! =D we should make celebratory lemon bars together

May 16, 2008 at 4:43 PM

Blogger ster said...

flowers seem to be used for all occasions aha..

the final ordeal sounds disturbing. x_O

May 18, 2008 at 7:01 AM


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