.. and text to fill up this space

Monday, May 26, 2008

"You've grown up"

Are my friend's words to me as we sit eating our extremely heavy "does this have 1000 calories in it or what?" pad thai.

"What???" is my response, seeing as it has only been 6 months since I last saw my friend who can not stop gushing how this place is SO much better than the east coast, because we have Asian food, and lots of it, after all. (As well as Asian people, to eat the food..)
"Yeah, you sound more confident"
"uhhhhhh. whatever." I don't believe it. Probably just bad memory. Supposedly, it's like exponential growth. That would be nice, if it were true, but I don't think so. "I'm a mess." We're all messes, is my reply. What can we do? Grow. Grow?? Yeah, you know, the life of God starts as a seed within us and needs to be watered to grow. But I don't say that. I would've, if it were a screen to screen conversation, because I'm chicken like that.

"I'm thinking of minoring in piano performance"
"WHY?" For some reason, I react to everything that comes out. Me? Grown up? Sure...

... thus ensues ...

".. Chopin Nocturnes.." my friend says with disgust. "You would like something like that.. all dreamy and stuff... Bach is so much better than Brahms"
"No he's not!" I'm loyal to Brahms.
"I take it back, you haven't changed at all."

So I tried to push this guy in a wheelchair over a bump out of a store today.
"Do you need help?"
He says something I can't understand. He probably has some brain damage in the area of speech, like what I learned in COG SCI 1! .. fun times.
Anyway, so I try, right? I don't think a bump should be that hard to wheel the poor guy over, but ..
The funny thing is, I COULDN'T DO IT. I'M NOT STRONG ENOUGH??

... so I try again, *push* but the chair is not going over the hump.. I'm pretty sure I need help. "Sorry!" ...

then some other guy comes up to us and takes over the wheelchair while I resume my phone conversation with Esther...

I bought a journal today at Pegasus. It's quite colorful and different. I think I'm going to use it to chronicle the summer trip. We leave tomorrow. The ride is 10 hours straight tomorrow, and I'M SO SCARED.


Blogger ster said...

up? where?

May 26, 2008 at 8:29 PM

Blogger emmortality said...

heehee you're so cute ^-^ have fun on the Great Summer Trip!

May 27, 2008 at 3:12 PM


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