.. and text to fill up this space

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Maybe spikes aren't so bad after all. Funny how boats have all kinds of telescopic devices and defense while they're at it. I realize what I miss about certain friends when I talk to them, that is, the ability to take something that is seemingly negative in a non-threatening way. Whether or not that ends in a positive result or only perpetuates the "problem", is something a conflict-disliking person likes to ignore.
Right now is one of those moments where I'm kind of wondering why I didn't go to a different school.

Emii: It was about the prestige

Hah, Maybe. Though I wouldn't want to admit it :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


School is really hard this semester.
I think I'm breaking down..
People that I've talked to are telling me to go to office hours..
I guess I should try.

"I know, right?"

I'm starting to accept the possible unreality that the boat with ice spikes, really does have spikes and it's not just another boat's skewed sights. Whether or not the boat really has spikes, is not the point. The point is boat-preservation. Interestingly enough, boats learn faster over time and realize things about themselves.

Because we love to speak in metaphor.

I think I take my life very seriously but rarely am serious. How does that work?

Random silly humor is refreshing a la Meggi Weggi a la high school.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


It seems like the older I get, the more I realize how many problems there are in the world, or specifically, in humanity. And then today, my friend informed me on crazy happenings in Europe. It feels like time is short and the Lord is coming back soon.

On the line of noticing issues. Is it that as we get older, not only does our body decay but our soul as well? Or is it something in our food? Or do I just come into contact with people who seem to need help? Or have I been soaked through with psychology too long? Or does life just get harder as you get older, and so people go through more things which messes with the way they live? Or do we just become less accepting of people?

.... too many questions and no answers.

edit. I think I have been swimming in a pool of junk (for lack of better word) for a little too long. I.E., someone put it nicely.. "Sometimes, I think personal empowerment was the biggest lie to be foisted on the public at large..." Yeah. Seriously. Now my question is, what's your agenda?

I want to buy a piano and play on it right now, but I haven't the space or the money to do so. Haha.

I've been pondering lately. I guess when you start to repeat mistakes, you come to find patterns and wonder what the roots are. Now there are different ideas as to what the roots are, and.. I don't know. Having discussions with people on the topic. I guess people have different ideas of what different words mean.. HM.

I'm glad I have the Lord. Because if I didn't, I really don't know where I would be right now. Well, I have some idea of where I might be, and it's kind of scary actually. God is so good and the Lord is my hope. Light, and salvation. Whom shall I fear? That's pretty strong huh?

I don't want to think about the trend of this world anymore. Change would be nice, but, I mean, really?

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Some things just don't change in the way I speak. Eventually, I hope to conquer the art of speaking in a way that is coherent. For now, I will be vague and unclear. I hate how much time gets sucked up in my day by insignificant (though pleasant) things. Facebook photos, for instance. I <3 sacar(?) saco? sacaro?? fotos, pero, takes too much time.

"Your faith has saved you. Go in peace."


Lean on me, when you're not strong

I'll be your friend..

At this point, I long to trust my albeit, small, sensing side of me instead of the intuitive side of me that is worrying about how life will pan out. Frankly, though, a veces the sensing side senses ratios which instead of pushing its cause, push for the intuitive feeling that brings me to my current state of shoving my face with brownies because I think I need the chocolate.

This week was, as I put it in small group, a week of sunshine and a week of rain. In the midst of the rain, my sky cleared, and there was joy there. It's contradictory and I feel as though that experience has passed already, so I must go on. "But what things were gains to me, these I now count as loss.." They always say we need/should (hate those two words) forget the things that are good as well as the bad... right now though.. I'm still hoping for that soundness and sureness that I had before. Can you have peace right now but still be wondering about years down the line? What is that?

On the topic of oneness and one accord.. I think.. we're getting there. It probably won't happen overnight but I think if we keep at it..

Monday, September 15, 2008


I don't know who to believe or trust most of the time. Being open to things somehow lends itself to getting multiple views and eventually those views, though ideally piecing together to make a nice picture, make my mind spin even more.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tengo Hambre

I've spent the day like this.
Slept late, so woke up late, stuffed my face with absolutely yummy Cheeseboard pizza but didn't really get to enjoy it cause I felt guilty for eating in front of people. Sat through meeting and had thoughts reaffirmed and came home with a frown on my face. Subsequently played guitar to focus on other things -- the Lord is my light and salvation. Cleaned the bathroom, which took a good amount of time, and now I'm waiting for the college mtg to start and I haven't done an ounce of studying today.
Sigh. How is this going to work??
I have to clean afterwards too..
So on the list of things to do:
1) Write composition for Espanol about mi favorite person .. uhmm that might be hard. OR someone that I wish I was friends with who's famous.. haha.. that might be easier. OR even better, someone that doesn't exist in real life. Like a character!! oooo. Now it's starting to sound fun.
2) Start the econometric problem set by reading the book and attempting!!
Now I have some questions but I don't want to risk my face. -_____-
Anyway. Time to make like a check and bounce.
Speaking of checks......