.. and text to fill up this space

Thursday, July 26, 2007

"And I wonder"

Sometimes I wonder if I'm doomed to a certain doom, to be extremely vague because I don't want to be specific. If I think about it, it's pretty scary, so I won't think about it.

Sometimes what I want is something lighthearted .. I seem to be able to deal with people better when I'm looking through rose-colored lenses. Then again, while that may make transactions a little less charged, in the long run perhaps the result would not be so good. Who knows?

Stats is stats is stats is. I'm very grateful for my GSI. Best GSI ever :) I think I bother him way too much. Ah well. I owe so many people gifts now. Owe, you say? Yes, owe. Indebted to, whatever. Need to come up with a list so I won't forget. This is where the INFP of ridiculous gifts comes up. Oh dear.. -_-

I'm silly and I want silly things. So I just want to say, Lord take my life! Take it, because you know, I may want to give, but I don't really know HOW. I always ask that question. HOW? Give me a list of how to's don't tell me it's organic, will you? But it is. Too mysterious, yet simple. There my mind goes again. Lord, renew my mind!

By the way.
I was pretty set on getting a Mac but now that Dell has come out with GREEN, yes, GREEN like my backpack green, laptops.. my mind is ticking..

Friday, July 20, 2007

Ew! Gross!

The least I can do is make a post about it, right? It was like those days in high school where I would write things down in my notebook to remind myself to blog about it later.

So. Cleaning. Gross experience. Today I cleaned to the Full House theme song, you know, the one where they are cleaning the house. That was fun and cheerful. For a little while. Then I got tired of having it on repeat ..

I learned that grease is the color black, and comes off in chunks. That scissors are better than soaps, and that I bruise easily. Apparently the step ladder handle has bruising capabilities. Who knew? I don't know how to clean, and apparently I clean thoroughly. But in actuality, I just suck at cleaning. Honestly at this point, I would rather pay someone to make up for my shortcomings after spending a day cleaning -- literally. Minus the time used for stats and a boba break with who else but Mai. So then I came to the pots and pans and the Lazy Susan .. and I find that some of them have fallen off the Lazy Susan. So I fish for them with a ladle. Who invented the idea of having a platter and cover soley for butter? Gross. Empty peanut butter jars still happening, and fuzz grows in all sorts of odd places.

This post isn't as fun as I thought it would be. Probably cause by now, (its 2:49 am) I can't really remember what I meant to write and tommorow i've got to clean the bathroom floor before the inspector comes along. Though I much prefer the bathroom to the kitchen. It's odd that the place of food preparation and eating also tends to be the yuckiest.

Cleaning is fun if it's superficial and ignorance is bliss.

And don't check to see what that plastic thing in the back is.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

That God is there for me tommorow, as He is for me today

That He'll take my cares and sorrow and He'll wipe them all away

You're altogether lovely.. You're my God

Some reason this is stuck in my head.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

