.. and text to fill up this space

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

PROJECTION ALERT. (I.e. Why I shouldn't major in Psychology)

wow, I hate that psych terms pop into my head in inopportune times and I'm like, no, sorry, that's not me you're talking about, that's you, it's called "projection"; we learned it in such and such textbook in this chapter and .......

I'm done with ISF (HALLELUJAH)
We went too long (to be expected.......no bitterness, there) but he said that we were clear and accurate, which is good cause I was planning on just saying whatever. It turned out fine. It's easier for me to speak in front of crowds of people that I don't know, about a topic that is outside of me. My voice is so loud, it almost surprises me. Renewable energy? Pffah!

So I wrote something like "when we took of the tree of knowledge.." and my grader underlined "we" and wrote something above it. I was like, what's wrong with what I said, that's what happened? And then I noticed the grader wrote "Eve?" And it was like.. oh haha, literally yes.. but..


In English class, Prof kept bringing up Helen who is one of the characters and an IDEALIST. So a bunch of the things she said about her (mostly negative connotation.. at least to me) it was like.. oh i am sooo like that.

haha, okay, whatever, i'm done with negativity for today. I CANT WAIT FOR _____. I don't even know what it is I can't wait for. I feel like sometimes I feel like I'm dangerously out of my comfort zone, and I don't mean comfort zone as what I'm actually comfortable with, but comfort zone as what I think I'm comfortable with myself being "comfortable" with. Does that make sense? Probably not.

IM GOING TO MISS ________.

Hello, stream of consciousness!
I think finishing up my bucket of soy cream had some interesting effects on me.


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