.. and text to fill up this space

Sunday, April 6, 2008

There's a storm

and June is walking on water.

Search me O God and know my heart..
You know all my ways..
Lead me in the way everlasting..

I miss home. I really, really do. I talked to my Mom today for the first time since spring break .. only because I was desperate.

the Lord knows your heart Esther, and He knows who you are, He's only asking you to come to Him, He is your burden-bearer.

It's funny how often I forget this and how often I fall into letting the enemy condemn me.

.. and Jesus is sleeping peacefully in the boat as the storm comes and we anxiously point it out to Him...

God is faithful, says Grace..

I still miss home. But, it's better now. Lord, You are continually with me.


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