.. and text to fill up this space

Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's already Thursday?!?!?!?!

Things I planned to do over Spring Break but still have not done and I am leaving on Saturday which means I have one more full day to do anything.

1) Katie's apron!!!!! Tonight, perhaps???
2) READ ISF. The reader is STILL in my packing bag that I haven't unpacked. Why do I always do that? Anyway, I better read it. It was overpriced.
3) Finish reading Beloved and Love Medicine. I am about half way through Love Medicine. It's okay. I don't understand the point of it much. Just reading through it. There's too many graphic scenes though. Wouldn't read it for fun. Beloved is also graphic too. Bah, humbug.
4) My problem set? I have a feeling this one isn't going to happen :( .. oh noo.
5) PLAY TENNIS?! hello, no. People are playing basketball today I think....
7) IN N OUT? not entirely necessary. Just a thought.
8) Scrapbooked?
9) Gone to Fashion Fair? Also not entirely necessary.
10) COLDSTONES? Again, not necessary. Am becoming muffin topped.
11) reading notes.. d'oh!

.. why is spring break so shooorttttt.

Things I have done
1) Made a Jamba run with Phil and Ruth :D awww <3 love these "old fogies" hahaha. (they call themselves that) Verdict: speak up more, esther!
2) Ate at Sweet Tomatoes with people, yay!
3) Driven my car and didn't die?
4) Played tag with Daisy, Evelyn, and my cousin. They are sooo adorable. Daisy is super outgoing and definitely a risk-lover. Runs around making herself vulnerable. I am, by default, always "IT". And if I am not "IT", I offer to be. Who's horrible idea was it to call the "it" person "it"? Evelyn is cute too. I think she knows that I won't tag her unless she wants to be tagged, so she kind of smiles at me and pretends to let go of base and then reaches back for it and giggles. Little kids. And my cousin, is definitely related to me. She hugs onto base for dear life and only runs to another base when I am at the other side of the "playground".. cheaaaap shoottttt.
5) Home meeting at Don and Sophie's. Hehe, they're cute.
6) Saw Emily! I.E. Made a Riverpark run
7) Attempted to tutor my brother in Stats, yelled at him a little, been a bad sister in general
8) Read most of A Bridge and Channel of God
9) Kept up in the Bible reading schedule ... chugging through Matthew right now. What I remember from last night: guy with leprosy gets healed?


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