.. and text to fill up this space

Monday, April 28, 2008

Lord, cook with me.

eh heh heh heh. :] This is nice. Inviting the Lord into everything we do. It's.. relaxing, even.
O______O (Typically, I don't like cooking for large groups of people.. it is very annoying.)

In the OCF right now. The sky outside is SO blue. <3.

So yesterday, Mai called me weird. OF ALL PEOPLE TO CALL ME WEIRD..

I love when you have those moments with people where you're both silent/thinking and then all of a sudden someone says something and you're like I WAS THINKING THE EXACT(?) SAME THING!
.... I don't care that I sound like a valley girl right now. But it was really funny yesterday cause Lina was thinking.. and I was thinking.. And then she said something that would've outwardly seemed completely random but it was funny when she said it because I was thinking of something similar. Wow, I can't write right now.
In other words, I think I get red pretty easily or my face heats up at the smallest things. Meh.. and then I wonder if people notice and hope that they don't. But they probably do and are too ..polite..ach hem.. to say anything about it. BOOOOO. Hence Lina "Yeah I think you get red easily"


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