.. and text to fill up this space

Saturday, April 26, 2008

NO! to Satan

I really appreciated the brother's absoluteness in speaking to us this matter of saying no to Satan, and how black and white it is. And the simplicity of math.. we have two persons, the old man, and Christ, when we deny the old man, what are we left with? Christ. It really is that simple, even if outwardly it looks like there are so many options. The other thing that stuck out to me was that when we say no to the enemy, the Lord doesn't just leave us hanging. He's renewing our mind at the same time. The Lord's heart is so good towards us. We have to cooperate with Him and in scope, most of the operating is Him. The other thing that was really good was just slowing down..

As many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God..

so.. now for practicing :)

I'm encouraged!


Blogger RZ said...

I am really encouraged too. The Spirit will honor our rejections of Satan. Our minds will then be renewed by the Spirit. The curse will become the blessing. =)

April 27, 2008 at 1:02 AM


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