.. and text to fill up this space

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I will never stay up until 3 when I have something important the next day.

Note to Self.

L&S is tarded and won't grant my petition to drop the class. Am trying for an incomplete. HOPPEEEEE.

Am liking being obnoxious (taking Justin's advice!) It's pretty fun actually.

Saying hello to temperamental external hard-drive that worked when I restarted the computer with it plugged in.

This is a list of things to do.

Music homework.

Check out the goodies I grabbed from the fair. I got a ice cream cone pen!! Pretty exciting, right?

Read for Econ problem set Tuesday.

Do recipes (SPAGHETTI!!!)

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
two decades!

sorry everyone if i am not that fun to be around today. it really bothers me when i'm not in the mood to be fun haha .. it seems kind of unfair to other people. i don't hate you!!! so yes, i will be somewhat glued to my screen and my music homework for a little while longer.

breakfast at nine. moolicious :)

Get notes from Garbo/ give Garbo my notes.

Eat more fish for my memory =P Salmon was yummy today. Good job team!


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