.. and text to fill up this space

Monday, April 21, 2008

I have..

the best siblings ever. yes, siblings.

GAH emmeline and her yummy smelling quesadilla that she dropped on my carpet!!!!!

today i met up with my major adviser and three other economics majors.
it basically went like this
"so what are you guys thinking of doing after college?"
person #1 "Law school.."
person #2 "Law school.."
person #3 "MBA... Finance"
me "... uhh. i'm actually not really sure. accounting? (i'm not sure why i said that.. i have no idea if i would like accounting or not) or something environmentally related? *wince* ..."

SO then.. it went into this thing about how I should take environmental classes and then I might get into the statistical side.. but what if I decide that I want to get into the bio side? Then I might have to take biology classes?

I kind of laughed when she said that. (everyone thinks i'm MCB) -_- Really though. I look retarded and unmotivated compared to everyone else. Hellooo. I'd like to think that college is a time to explore. Somehow I decide things after I gopher it, and then find that I like it. It's hard to make a decision otherwise. Take Econ, for example.

Today's coordination time reminded me of Key Club officer meetings. "Wait, so what are we doing?"

The best thing about talking to Economics advisors:
You might not want to go to grad school for Economics unless you really love it and it's very math intensive nowadays. That's three years of your life, loans, think about the opportunity cost....... what else could you be doing?

I had Telebears today.
I am officially signed up for
Economics 140
Spanish 1

Hooray for Spanish.....! I hope I don't regret this.

Planning on..
UGBA 103 (Finance)
Maybe an accounting class or an EEP class.
Maybe something to fulfill historical breadth or international.

We are singing awkward songs in chorale. Seriously.
Namely. Fever and Son of a Preacher Man. Talk about major acting on my part.
The only reason why I'm still here is because of Time to Say Goodbye (quando so..) and Build Me Up Buttercup. Blah. I need to quit chorale.
For some reason, I think I forgot how to breathe again.

... hooray for emails to brighten the day.


Blogger ster said...

you're taking spanish? WOOT! go esty. you have to practice on me, ok.

April 22, 2008 at 7:06 AM

Blogger emmortality said...

it was still good, even after the fall :D

i will make you a quesadilla as soon as i finish this stupid essay...! *grumble complain moan whine*

April 22, 2008 at 11:12 PM


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