.. and text to fill up this space

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Hello, 8D

So I'm doing blogger duty and posting on New Year's Day. Half an hour has passed since I heard fireworks going off. It is 37 degrees outside.

I really don't have too much to say. Well I'm sure stuff will come out but I'm half afraid that what will come out at this point and time will be pessimistic. (Is it because I just read Emmeline's blog? Yeah, scapegoat). Alright, so New Years isn't exciting, besides that I need to see certain people.. Camille, Emii, for starters, before they go back to their quarter-system schools.

Feels like writer's block. Cami and Alan came by and brought me boba cause I was supposed to hang out with people but then my parents said not to get other people sick and plus I was feeling kinda icky anyway. Will probably sleep after this. Anyway.. it's always really cute when people call and are like.. are you home? go open your front door. awwww. Thanks guys.

Currently I am in a state of .. I think it's a mix of self-pity coupled with lacking esteem and a small amount of envy. One of those "I wish I didn't care so much" or "I wish I..." or.. "Why am I..." etc etc etc.

I guess this leads me to New Years resolution number

Uno) Learn that there is a word called "self-control" and that spontaneity is not always positive.

I guess these New Year Resolutions could also be called .. Observations: What Esther Failed At in 2007. :D

It's 12:45. Need to sleep by one. For starters.

Dos) Sleep earlier. Earlier.. Let us be specific. We'll start with Emmeline's idea. At least before two. (dos! .. it fits nicely.)

Tres) To read more. And carefully.

Quatro) To wake up earlier. This goes along with number two. Let's say earlier is, before class starts.

Cinco) Have my value system changed.

Seis) Find some sort of balance between wanting people to be happy and being a doormat.

Siete) Seven means completion right? To give God the room to do what He will this year and cooperate with Him.

Alright. I'm bored. Goodnight.


Blogger emmortality said...

I'm always the scapegoat for your blogging difficulties :( hahah. Anyway, I have one word for you: STUFFY. stuffy stuffy stuffy. hahahha.

happy new year's! :D

January 1, 2008 at 12:37 PM


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