.. and text to fill up this space

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


So I decided to look up my xanga post of two years ago, because I remember myself as being different that year. (junior year) and yes, these were the days where everyone actually used xanga and we'd end up with 10 comments on our posts within the next day. I can't say I don't miss the whole xanga realm, but anyway.

The point is, I randomly read through it and I definitely sound like a high schooler. A peppy one. Haha.. that's not the point.

The point is.. I wrote:

Lunch time was interesting. I wandered around the campus by myself for awhile, but then Shelly found me-- yay =)
For some reason I have this feeling that I'm going to become anti-social when I get to college.. or was it socially paranoid? Grace's psych book is beyond interesting.

haha. err. :( it's true.

reading comments makes me miss people.

"is it interesting because you guys established that i was in the yellow range?! lol
Posted 12/8/2005 8:58 PM by the_king_bee "

OK, that's enough nostalgia for the day. I'm already getting sad. =P

This is how much I look like my little brother:
Today a sophomore asked me if I was Joseph's sister, and then proceeded to ask me "Do you love him?" And I was like. "sure." and he was like "he said he loves you too" and Nancy's like "aww." and I'm like thinking, well he sure doesn't act like it.. hahaha.

awww. sibling.

Let's resurrect a quote:

During your childhood, people tell you to be quiet. When you are quiet, people tell you that you are shy.
J.B. Winge

Something else that was kind of funny. It's from after I got back from the SF conference.
this point really hit me.. only you have that particular portion of Christ.. by your ministry to us.. we can be fed by it... but if you don't let the Lord shine.. you may have the inward constitution, but that something there.. may never be seen.. lose your face a little, n-e?

Who knows what 25 basis points means??!!! Why would you release a statement, say that you dropped something 25 basis points and not say where it started! BOO ECON!!!!!!!
Ok, time to wikipedia it.


Blogger cam said...

dearest! sorry i've been MIA, i've blocked AIM and facebook until finals are over... but i'm so sorry!! i miss you and will pray for you! Winter break almost...more for you and me. <3

December 11, 2007 at 5:08 PM

Blogger emmortality said...

you're so funny :)

December 13, 2007 at 2:49 AM


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