.. and text to fill up this space

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Even as Christ loved the church

and gave Himself up for her.

We love because He first loved us.

We need to love the church, that is the local churches where we are, and not just some abstraction of the church. When we touch the church, we touch one pearl of great value.

If we love the church, we will exercise ourselves unto godliness so God is manifested in the flesh in our gathering. Our exercise unto godliness is an expression of our love for the church.

Just to touch God. <3

I ran to Oakland today. I'm pretty happy about that :) Tommorow I will be sore.

..Who wants to make me protein shakes?! :P My mom used to make those for me every day just because she for some reason thought I needed more protein. I forget what her justification was. And then there was a phase where I needed more fiber. Etc Etc Etc. Anywho...... yummyyyy.

And I played badminton today for the first time in a year!!! I'm pretty bad now .. well, I think my drops are better, maybe? It's exciting getting exercise haha. =] It makes me feel so healthy and alive for the rest of the day.

And even though at the time of running I really wanted to stop, I kept going cause I felt bad for Jay and Emmeline. By the end of the run, Emmeline told me we had run 2 miles. I was like, you're kidding, right? Cause I've never ran more than a mile in my life. No wonder I felt like stopping so much. But. yay!!!!! exercising is fun. Kind of. well, not the feeling like hurling part, but, yeah.


Blogger emmortality said...

yahh, just wait til we get up to 13 miles :)

December 3, 2007 at 12:09 AM


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