.. and text to fill up this space

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Small group (really was somewhat of a 'small' group) fed today. Actually this day was quite interesting, beginning with my alarm clock going off

My only hope is the Lord, everything depends on Him.

A lot of times, when I hear that, I feel hopeless. Ironic, isn't it? And today, I felt pretty hopeless. Come small group, I wasn't in a happy state of mind, but it's interesting how when other people share their experiences, the human and the divine, it encourages me. Something echoes inside, and though I may not have the boldness to verbalize, it's as if they've said it for me. We sang a new song, that most of us didn't know at least ..

Why does it take us so long to see God?
is the first line. or something like that.

Yeah, why? I think I feel hopeless because I don't see the God in whom all my hope is. He is the faithful Creator. Lord, help my unbelief !


Blogger ster said...

we'll pray for each otherrr

June 28, 2008 at 2:12 AM


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