.. and text to fill up this space

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

"Who cares!! No need to be perfect"

says my mom, as I whine to her about how imperfect my cutting skills are and how the pockets aren't going to look the same and how I don't know how to measure things.

So I hate sewing. (HA)

I spent a very long time cutting butcher paper, or rather, MEASURING the butcher paper, because for some reason, after the second time around, the third time around, the fifth time....... twenty three and a half inches is NEVER the same as it was the round before.

So my mom comes in, as I am measuring like crazy, and asks me what I am doing. Then she comes up with this brilliant idea to fold the paper! FOLD! Genius!!! I'm like, wow Mom, you're smart. In my head I'm thinking, wow, I'm dumb, why didn't I think of that??? So we fold the paper, and she briskly cuts the apron pattern that I've slaved over for the past hours. I hold it up and she approves without taking a second glance. And then she goes to my apron cloth and sketches the pattern on with chalk and briskly cuts it out.

I'm thinking, what?! How can you do it so haphazardly?! My mom all the while is talking in a singsong way and saying that it doesn't have to be perfect, no one can tell, no need to be perfect, etc etc etc. Apparently I'm a perfectionist (this is news to me) and ... as my dear friend once said..

"i'm really scared cause i realized i have a lot of my mother's tendencies"
"she's crazy"

So then I move on to the pockets. Do we want square or curved? curved. I later look on with horror as she again, haphazardly folds in the cloth and irons it....

"It's okay, you're not selling this apron for a hundred dollars"
"What if I want to sell it for a hundred dollars?"
"Then first you need to make a hundred aprons.."

Yeah, what was I thinking?

Mom's telling me my supper is getting cold
"Do you want me to sew your apron?"
I think for awhile.
Her eyes get big and she laughs at me.

Now the sewing machine is ticking away in the next room.
"See, it doesn't have to be perfect.."
"*whine* But I want it to be prettyyyy"

I decided that it will look scruffy in that way that cute home-made things look scruffy. hEh.


Blogger cam said...

thanks for quoting me when i'm in a state of freaking out.

really, i am scared.

January 9, 2008 at 10:52 AM


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