.. and text to fill up this space

Friday, January 4, 2008


It's hard at home. Nothing is ever as cracked up as I make it out to be in my delirious because I am still sick, mind. D: Some things I find in this place that I don't find in others:

Lack of self-consciousness. It's strange, really.. Maybe it has to do with how familiar everything and everyone is. How established the friendships are?

Incredible LAZINESS. Berkeley makes me long for productivity. Here, I think about it and don't do anything.

Sick. I'm still sick. And it's been a week. Alright, so I haven't been contributing much to a possible uhh.. recuperation, but, still........ it's been a week!

Overcast emo. It might be the haircut. when i go home it always feels as if anything i learned, any growth the seed might've had, goes kaput. .. no roots? meh.

CAR! Driving is nice. :D and adventurous always..... ;)

Thinking up scenarios in my head of different conversations with people and thinking of how they would react..

okay.. no point in bloggingg. time to return to sleep.


Blogger emmortality said...

haha that reminds me...all my friends tell me that if they're ever in the mood for "adventure" all they have to do is get in my car.
so apparently i'm a crazy driver :(

vicky: *randomly starts cracking up*
me: what? what??
vicky: its kinda funny how you're a 5'3 asian girl driving 20-year-old station wagon...people would expect you to be nice and slow but you're the most aggressive driver ever. just imagine...a huge baby blue buick changing 4 lanes at once and madly cutting people off left and right

i feel perfectly safe when i'm driving myself around. hahaha.

btw, i thought you might find this funny: susan said some full-timer at the beginning of the year told her she was worried about me because i studied too much

January 5, 2008 at 2:14 AM

Blogger emmortality said...

and enjoy your laziness while you can :P

January 5, 2008 at 2:15 AM

Blogger cam said...

just get over it and show me your hair already! you're such a tease. and me, ghetto? only as you are girly.

January 5, 2008 at 5:03 PM


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