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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Choices, choices, we must all make choices

good ones, bad ones, choices every day

hahaha, children's mtg songs!!! Those were fun when they were fun and didn't mean too much to me. But now that we actually do have to make choices, it's hard to just sing a song about it. Today the choice is Southeast Asian Studies against English 166. I think English 166 will be more fun, but.. but.. that leaves me with a not so pretty schedule both structurally and possibly work-wise as well, though I can't be sure until we get back our short papers next Tuesday. NEXT TUESDAY. Jenn and I look at each other like, she's kidding right? noo!!

My English professor is so funny in a cute way haha.. her husband and dog came in today.. and she was describing how she met her husband .. the first blue-eyed guy she'd ever seen and the first time she'd ever been in a room with boys who weren't her brothers (she went to an all girls school), one thing led to another, two weeks later they were holding hands and that was like losing her virginity to her.. and so they got married on top of a coffee shop in a lawyer's office with two witnesses from where they had lunch? i'm not sure if i caught that correctly. hahaha. I guess you had to be there for the way she said it. And the dog! So cute. One of those butterfly eared fluffy yappy small dogs.

I finally got to visit Shelly today :) that made me happy to finally get to talk to her and see her. we sort of mutually ranted about how after awhile when people keep talking about boys it gets annoying, or rather i think she said something like "i don't think he's cute, so what am i supposed to say when they keep sending pictures of him to me??" and i was like "yeah i feel bad" and she's like "i don't." hahaha. going to go over and make packages tomorrow. yay, exciting. i'll finally get to mail out a package like i've wanted to forever. well, first i need money...

oops, i lied, the song actually goes..
"big ones, small ones, choices everyday" ... no wonder it's a childrens' song!


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