.. and text to fill up this space

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Warning: Stop use if skin rash occurs.

So I think I've figured out the culprit to my ridiculous itching and ugly red bumps.
1.50 softlips spf 20 raspberry with green tea extract lip protectant/sunscreen!
Active ingredient? Dimethicone 2%

So at first I was suspecting the virus but then it didn't seem to fit very well since I've had the cold sore for at least a week now. And 'intense itching' wasn't exactly a side-effect. This morning, SaCho was like, did you eat anything? And I was thinking.. no? taco soup? I went to Barnes & Nobles and had Starbucks cider? That's odd. And then I remembered my chapstick and Jenn telling me I smelled good. Haha. And the little warning that I brushed off..

So I pull it out and look up Dimethicone online and sure enough! I think it's the culprit. But I'm a little hesitant to toss it out cause it smells good! But I'm also not exactly wanting to retry it out and see if I develop another rash, you know?
So, conclusion is, I think I'll have to toss it. :[

Reminder to self: Do not buy on sale chapstick with active ingredients that you probably are allergic to.

I'm definitely going to fail my finals if I keep reacting to everything and not studying, because that's what's been happening. Have no clue how this is all going to work out. We'll see. Not asking for much anymore. Does that make me a bad student? All I want is to get a decent grade in Econ so that I can actually declare a major. And decent grades in Physics and Linguistics would be nice but I can't see that happening, what with not studying and all.

So I just wanted to post this as I thought it might be funny as an afterthought to read again. Time to attempt to study.


Blogger cam said...

girl you are so funny. you won't fail! pray hard, woman! luff luff.

December 13, 2007 at 11:38 PM

Blogger ster said...

oh yeahh, softlips isn't good. ee im glad you found out.. !!

December 13, 2007 at 11:59 PM

Blogger emmortality said...

you lie! it's cloves :)

December 14, 2007 at 5:33 AM


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