.. and text to fill up this space

Friday, December 21, 2007

I left my heart in San Francisco

Not really, but it seems like everything someone says makes me break out in song, in my head, if not out loud.

I'm SO sorry Karis and Joan (they probably don't read this) for sleeping in and making you guys do brunch for the FTs as a two person team. I definitely have some issues with waking up or rather, getting out of the warm covers of my, somewhat corporate in the sisters house, bed. GRRR. That was disappointing.

So then Emmeline and I and Jenn and Mandy hit the road to make our way to SF for what Emmeline and I thought would be a simple window-shopping adventure. But I ended up burning over a hundred dollars today.

Pictures of me. Pictures of you. Except there are none because I looked at my camera this morning and decided I didn't want the extra weight in my bag. Silly thought.
Hit the Bart station. 3.50.

Hit SF. Hit AE and spy 20 dollar jeans which never happens. Hopped on those. Found out that I can squeeze into a size zero and suffocate myself, or fit into a size two and wear a belt and have some extra room for dinner and comfy room. Went with the size two.

Hit some skin store where Jenn hopped on something so that she could get a gift wrapping with potpurri. Okay, that probably wasn't the main reason, but I'm pretty sure it was one of the main ones. :]

Hit some pretty store with lots of crystal sparkly things? Said something out loud about how I would probably break everything if i owned it. Got a stare from another customer. Whoops.

Chitchat to people who are selling rings and ask them for directions to the box office while we're at it. I've never tried on so many rings in my life.

Okay. It's getting boring to write like this.
Frankly, H&M has part of my soul. Burned 50 on grey skirt, grey shirt, and grey sweater. Theme, no?

So for the musical. It was pretty good, I guess. I mean, it was really good but I can't say I appreciated it that much compared to everyone else. Well it got progressively better except that I cant understand the whole New York accent and innuendos.

Ok. packing time.


Blogger emmortality said...

This was possibly the cutest Esther post ever!


you can definitely fit into size 0 jeans. American Eagle has the fatty ones and the nonfatty ones. You just chose the wrong one :P but it's ok, the size 2's look lovely. and we can wear our size 2's the next time we eat at Lefty O Toule's (sp?)

the crystal store is called Swarovski. and i was thinking just the same thing- that's why i refrained from touching even though everything was so sparkly... :[

and i love jen's comment-

*holding up grey shirt* "This has potential to be cute!"

You should go watch more musicals w/ me :D i'll be sure to explain all the innuendos to you kehe.

December 21, 2007 at 5:04 AM

Blogger cam said...

size 0? wow. girl. and from reading your post (which i don't know if it's a proper measurement) seems like you've changed. which means... we must catch up. fresno awaits you.

December 22, 2007 at 2:26 PM

Blogger ster said...

HAHA. oh esther.

December 23, 2007 at 1:55 AM


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