.. and text to fill up this space

Saturday, December 15, 2007


I'm done, and my fingers are frozen as I type this.

Brrrr the cold weather bites the nose and stings the toes as across Telegraph we go. Found Karina looking at cute but overpriced journals. Found cute shirt that said "I heart food" it reminded me of Joan. Embarked on a cold journey up and down Telegraph and ended up with two peace pieces. Pun intended! It was so Berkeley I couldn't pass it up. It's funny that we feel bad and donate but are drawn to the scene because it's supposedly "free". I'm almost positive that if he had charged for the pieces of peace the same price, few people would've bought them.

I haven't figured out what I'm allergic to yet, and I'm so paranoid that I've stopped snacking on random things in fear that I might breakout in hives again. I keep having weird sensations that I'm about to breakout >__< meeep. I want to point the finger at Starbucks' spiced cider but that would be unfair.
Yesterday I tried to get out of my final but alas, the time situation didn't work out, which was good in the end cause the final wasn't that bad. Hooray!! Physics this morning was bad though and linguistics was questionable as well. I'm done!!!! Except music, but no one cares about music .. just kidding XD


Blogger cam said...

i'm finished. feel free to call and commence the girl talk. or we can do it in person over tea, etc.

December 16, 2007 at 2:03 AM

Blogger emmortality said...

it's not unfair! Starbucks' is evil what w/ their soothing music and ambient atmosphere and stupid comfy sofas, all intended to lure you into drinking their crud. don't fall for it! D=

We should go to Pegasus again! or explore the fancy little stores on college even! heheh. here's to waking up before 12 tomorrow! -_-

December 17, 2007 at 4:13 PM


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