.. and text to fill up this space

Friday, August 10, 2007


So the reminder was like a weight returning on my head and shoulders. And stomach, because my stomach aches a bit too. But that may be for other reasons besides psychological ones. I hate how connected my physical body is with my psychological mind :( It's so annoying, because any distress I feel likes to translate itself into some form of physical annoyance. Usually a headache. It used to be my hands but I learned that it was mostly if not all a mind thing, and now my mind has decided to use other places as outlets. Like my stomach, again. I sound as if I'm trying to explain something..............

I don't want to care.. but I don't want to be passive either. What do I do?

I miss my calculator.. this one sucks. harharhar.

What else? I effectively kept a fortune cookie fortune (oo redundant) for once! Usually I determine to keep them and lose them, generally in the washer. This one says

Opportunity knocks on your door every day - answer it.

I say.. Knock louder.


Blogger ster said...

aren't choices all forms of opportunity? and life is a bunch of choices. that's just me being optimistic. heh. oh noes to the stomachaches. do tum-tums help? care about what? how are things doing down in the no? i know my fresno lingo well huh.. ahhhhaaahhhh. esther zesther.. lalala, tired i am

August 12, 2007 at 4:31 PM

Blogger j.tai said...

hi, i have no idea what site this is and how come i have a blogger display name...but anyways.

i was reading your past entries and i feel so similar to you. i think. i mean i think way too much, and i try too hard to make a conversation until it gets extremely boring and tiresome. like frosting spread too thinly on a cake. yeah.

the psychological effects on your body...haha sometimes i feel like something is tightening my neck during the meetings, and it's really distracting. it's annoying too. then suddenly after the meeting it's gone. really weird. but lately i realize that when i really touch the Lord in the meetings, i don't feel that way at all. yeah. i kinda went in a loop there ^^;

i hope to see you at LDC :D

August 15, 2007 at 11:57 PM


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