.. and text to fill up this space

Saturday, March 8, 2008


We love, because He first loved us.

Without You Lord I have no chance
To be like You in this romance
But You chose me ere the world began
Nothing could change your plan.

That the country girl would go from pursuing after her king with all the effort she had, to the Shulamite leaning on her beloved...
as a picture of us with Christ.. in our walk with God.. to go from our effort to trusting and leaning and depending on Him.
This really touched me in small group, but I "had those butterflies" so.. yeah. (blogged.)

Without God.. I have no chance.. but.. God loved me. God chose me. O_o That is enough.. His love is what causes us to love Him back..

You loved me Lord, so very long
And with a love enduring and strong
Although I mocked and cursed You so long
You waited and prayed for me all along


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