.. and text to fill up this space

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Gomen Nasai.

I wish I wasn't so freaking confusing. And confused.

I'm hecka good at pro/con lists and that leads to ridiculous indecisiveness and pretty good at tricking myself and not so good at being clear... in short..... definitely complicated.

Wah. Feel like I need to apologize but am not sure???? BLAHHHHHHH.

You know the whole.. let yourself be exposed or whatever? I suck. lol. my mind goes on rapidfire.

Remove my covering Lord.. that I may see the light and be deceived.. no more..

how do you know when people have different inputs?

i guess i can go with what amy said................
i won't, unless it keeps bothering me.

heh. i still have that receipt in my backpack.


Blogger emmortality said...

sorry if my inputs are often more unhelpful than helpful :( i think all i do is provide comic relief... we should pray together more :)

November 21, 2007 at 4:10 AM


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