.. and text to fill up this space

Saturday, November 17, 2007


the mtg today was good !

i fell asleep in the first one and i was FREEZING and my stomach hurt reallyyyy bad.. so the entire time i was waitingggg for the meeting be over. literally. every ten seconds it was like.. omg when is this going to be over. so i went back home and took a nap. haha. and then went out with Esther to eat and then came back to second mtg.. which was super encouraging and a lot of people shared about their experiences with having "RSG" recovery study group? (bible study.. we live in an acronym world lol) and the gospel.. and.. i don't even remember.. oh yeah.. we need to be a gospel preaching church.. not a church preaching the gospel.. was that what it was? like, it has to be our living.. the gospel. ummmmmmmmmmmmmm. anyway. it totally made up for the fact that it is now 4:22pm and I got five hours of sleep last night.. well not counting the nap i took today.

thank You Father for qualifying me
thank you Spirit for empowering me

um.. i wrote stuff on my hands cause i didn't have my binder..
my memory is not so good (ESTHER can fill my lack haha!)
so i'll just copy down what i have on my hand for maybe when i go back and read this later.

in the Body.

exercise for the essential
to get the economical

coming and going

repent and obey

steadfast prayer

meet and serve

companions !

Lord, I am willing.. to be made willing :P, work this out in me.



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