.. and text to fill up this space

Monday, November 19, 2007


i haven't the time to write, but i just wanted to say.. i'm so glad i have companions. i'm so glad that me and susan and carolina were so bummed after that one week and that after house meeting we decided to read together, and when asked how often we should read, carolina said, every day? honestly in my concept, i never would've thought of that, because everyone always does weekly appointments. but hey why not, we spend so much time doing other things, why not spend that time to get into the Bible with your sisters? like, duh. i'm glad that susan comes to our room and asks us if we're going to read today. and oftentimes, i feel like, meh? but i say yes anyways because i know i won't regret it. and i just appreciate that we can be together in the Bible.. it is so rich, and a lot of times when i get into it by myself, i miss so much, or it's so easy for me to just get into my mind.. it's so good to have the other sisters. to make things clear.. to pray.. to encourage. Emmeline's probably glad that i ask her more than once.. we all need that extra push at times.

anyhow, just wanted to post that. i've been wanting to talk about it but just never have. so yeah. this isn't that coherent but it'll do for now.


Blogger ster said...

amen, praise the Lord for the Body life. im encouraged

November 19, 2007 at 8:53 AM

Blogger emmortality said...

i'm very glad that you ask me more than once :)

November 19, 2007 at 3:36 PM


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